
This will show you how to set your Out Of Office within Outlook (desktop version)


In Outlook, click File and then click Automatic Replies

The below screen will appear. You will see its already set to "Do not sent automatic replies", you'll need to select "Send Automatic Replies". 

When you select this, you'll notice the screen changes colour slightly and you can start editing the text. You can set this to send during a specific time range. If you want to do this, ensure you check the box next to "only send during this time range" and set the start and end date and time.

You can set this to send during a specific time range. If you want to do this, ensure you check the box next to "only send during this time range" and set the start and end date and time. 

Below this you will see 2 tabs, Inside My Organisation and Outside My Organisation. Here you can add 2 different messages or have the same in both.

In the white section you can now add your text and format accordingly. Standard font should be Calibri, 11 and black.

Once you've added a message into each tab, click OK. If you have selected a time range then your Out Of Office replies will automatically start on that date & time. If you haven't, then this will start as soon as you press OK.


If you're unsure of anything mentioned above, please contact us via one of the following methods: