
This solution will explain the process of being able to view a colleague’s calendar. 



Please note that these steps will need to be made by the person who’s calendar you want to view!

Within Outlook, click on the Calendar icon to open your calendar

Within your calendar folder, on the HOME menu, select Share Calendar

Choose the calendar you want to share from the drop-down menu

In the Calendar Properties dialog box, click Add

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

You can search for people from your address book, or type in their email addresses in the Add box. When you have added the names in the Add Users dialog box, click OK

Back in the Calendar Properties dialog box, select the person’s name or email address, then choose the level of details you want to share, then click OK

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

The person you’ve shared your calendar with, will receive a sharing invitation by email

Once the recipient clicks Accept, they’ll be able to view your shared calendar in their calendar list.


Reminder: the steps above need to be completed by the person who’s calendar you need to view

If you're unsure of anything mentioned above, please contact us via one of the following methods: