How to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader on iOS/Apple Devices. (Using the Vistry Company Portal)
- Open the Company Portal App on your Apple Device.
- If Prompted, “Sign in”
- Select “View All Apps”
- Choose Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Select “Install”
- The Software should now install and appear on one of your Homescreen pages.
Please note, if you are unable to “sign in” to the company portal, please contact the IT service desk.
Using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Open the App.
- You may be prompted to Sign in. The App does not require a sign in to operate. So you are advised to cancel this window by clicking on the small X in the top right.
- Select Files and choose the location you wish to open a PDF from.
in this example we will open a file from the “Recently used” Location - From here you can activate the Fill and Sign or Comments functions by clicking on the pencil in the lower right corner of the window
- Select “Fill and Sign”
- A New Tool bar will appear at the top of the document , in this instance we will use the “Create Signature” part of it.
- Now you can use your finder to create a signature.
- Tap any where in the document to place the signature.
- Similar processes can be used for Ticks/Crosses/Adding comments.
- If you wish to send or save the document, click the three dots in the top right
And choose Send a Copy, then choose how you wish to send the copy. (Outlook will be the most common)