
When a generator is manually disconnected in COINS Live, the generator will automatically be restarted when a new report generator request is submitted to the respective report queue.

In non-live environments this is not the case, and this is controlled by the PM parameter GENBACK, this needs to contain the following value to allow the generators to be reconnected in the same way as the Live environment.


1.         Navigate to OA Reporting & BI > Print Manager > Setup > PM Parameters.

Note, this is a global parameter so you can be in any KCO for this.

2.         Filter by ID “GENBACK”.


3.         Edit the parameter and enter the below value and click SAVE. 

Parameter value - (cd $BASE/var/data/web;$BASE/bin/ -b -p pm99b.p -param "TIMEOUT=600|SERVER=GENERAL" > $BASE/var/diag/genback.log 2>&1 &);(cd $BASE/var/data/web;$BASE/bin/ -b -p pm99b.p -param "TIMEOUT=600|SERVER=LOCAL" > $BASE/var/diag/genback.log 2>&1 &)