
This document details the steps required to take when reversing a HBCRM Journal within a plot record that was created using a previous version of the Journal Definition used. This issue can be identified as there will be a positive balance (not zero) against the Difference figure within a Reversing Journal. This requires the Reversing Journal to be added using the previous Journal Definition, as such, the definition needs to be reverted to the previous version used and then, reverted back to the current version once the reversal has taken place.



  1. Delete any incomplete reversing journal.
    1. Sales Workbench > into Site then Plot > Financial tab > Journals tab.
  2. Export journal definition used on journal (shown against journal in Sales Workbench direction in step 4).
    1. HB CRM > Setup > Financial > Journal Export.
  3. Import previous to journal definition.
    1. HB CRM > Setup > Financial > Journal Import.
  4. Add reversing journal.
    1. Sales Workbench > into Site then Plot > Financial tab > Journals tab.
  5. Add journal batch by Reversing only and select only the journal created at step 4 & post the batch.
    1. HB CRM > Financials > Journals > Journal Batches.
  6. Import previous journal definition from step 2.
    1. HB CRM > Setup > Financial > Journal Import.


Please ensure care is taken when importing and re-importing the journal definitions, at the end of the above process the journal definition should be the up to date version and in line with other KCOs.