

This guide details how to setup a Workflow Delegation, and when/why this is needed.

A Workflow Delegation would be set up if a user is set up on a Workflow in COINS and is going to be out of office, for example on Annual Leave, in which case they will not be able to manage the Workflow. 

What this will do is push any new Approvals that would normally go to the users Activity Workbench via Workflow, to a new user that you specify when you set up the Workflow Delegation. This will only happen during the dates that you set.

It will not push any existing Workflow Approvals that have already gone to the workflow, these will remain where they are. 




Step 1: Check you have approval – Depending on who the request has come from; you may need to get approval. You will also need to find out who to set up on the Workflow Delegation for the Workflows to go to. 

Ideally, we should only delegate Workflows to someone with the same level of access or higher. If a user is requesting to setup a Workflow Delegation for someone else for example, you will need approval from their Line Manager. 


Step 2: Once you have approval and you know who you are setting the Delegation up to go to, you can now open COINS and select the correct KCO. 


I am using KCO 670 as an example here: 









Step 3: Once you are in the Correct KCO, then go to “Workflow Delegation” in COINS. You can find this under: OA Reporting & BI -> Workflow -> Workflow Delegation. Alternatively, you can search for it by typing it in the Main Menu search bar at the top of the page. 
















Step 4: Now you are in the Workflow Delegation section on COINS, we need to find the user that you are setting up the Delegation for (Who originally has the Workflow set up). You can do this by entering their User ID in the filter In the bottom right corner: 


Please note: If a user has had a Workflow Delegation set up in the past, you should be able to see it from the search results. You can tell these are old Workflow Delegations that are no longer being used by looking at the Date to and the Date From. This tells us when the Workflow Delegation was running for that user. 

If there is an old one setup, you can either copy the old one and then update it or Create/Add a New one. 


Step 5: To Copy from an Existing Workflow Delegation, first you need to select the one you want to Copy, and then click “Copy” at the bottom of the page: 












You will then get a new (Open) record with some of the details filled in ready for you to amend and then save it, like this: 


The alternative is to Add New, which is a very similar Process. Instead of selecting one of the existing records and then Copy, you just need to click “Add” at the bottom of the page and enter the users User ID. 



Step 6: Once you are at this stage, there are primarily 4 fields that need to be set for the Workflow Delegation. These are: 

  • User: Enter the User ID of the person that is originally set up on the Workflow (The user that is on Annual Leave for example)
  • From: This is the Date you would like the Workflow Delegation to Start
  • To: This is the Date you want to the Workflow Delegation to End (Please be aware there is nothing more you need to do to stop it once it has expired, the Delegation will ONLY work during the dates that you set). 
  • Delegated To: This will be the User ID of the person that the Workflow Delegation will be going too. (Who will be receiving the Workflows in the other persons absence). 

There is also another Field, for “Role” but this would normally always be set to “All” unless the user specifies otherwise. 

Step 7: Once you have filled in all the information you just need to click the Save Icon to Save it. 





Please be aware at the time of Publishing, this only applies to Partnerships (6* KCO’s) as only Partnerships are currently using Workflows. 

Also, there are Workflow Admins setup in each Region that have the access to manage Workflows & Delegation.