

Deleting attachments in COINS is actioned upon user request via IT tickets, this only requires the approval of the user named against the attachment being deleted if this is not the person requesting the deletion. 




Open COINS and go to the KCO that the user / attachment is in.

Please note: You need to have valid Document Group Security set up with a * as the code for yourself in order to see attachments in this KCO. 


The user should provide the full location for this attachment to you in order for you to proceed to the attachment. 

Go to the location of the attachment within COINS (example shown below).



Click on Subcontract Ledger > Draft Certificates > Draft Certificates.

Locate the transaction where the attachment resides and click on the orange paperclip to open the list of attachments.



Select the appropriate attachment(s) that you need to delete and click the delete option at the bottom of the page



They should then disappear from the list




  • If a transaction has an orange paperclip, then it has attachments. 
  • If the paperclip icon is grey/white, then there is no attachment on the transaction.