
COINS How to setup or amend Draft Certificate Security for new starters or change of access requests.




  • Job Title – You will need to know the users job title to figure out what Draft Cert access is required. You can check this in the User Workbench and compare with another user that has the same access by changing your search filters to search by job title. 
  • KCO - You will need to know the KCO(s) the user has access too. You will need to set up Draft Certificate Security for each KCO that the user has access too.
  • Check Procurement Limits on DUG to find the Draft Cert approval limits for VP. You can also compare to another user that has the same job title. 



Select the KCO required. 

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Find ‘Draft Certificates – Authorisation Levels (Location)’ in the menu. You can find it under VAP -> Setup -> Draft Certificates OR by searching for ‘Draft Certificates’ in the search bar at the top of the menu. (You will find a shortcut to this on your COINS Desktop when you login).


Search for the user’s name in the filter to make sure they don’t already exist in this KCO. At this stage if you are setting up a new user, they should NOT appear in this list. 

It also helps to search the name of another user that you can copy from to compare.

Note: Double check your search filter at the bottom of the page is set to search for “User” as below. 


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To create a new record, you need to click the “+ADD” button at the bottom of the page. If you want to copy another user, then you will need to select them and then click “Copy” at the bottom of the page. 


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If you click add, you will need to fill in all the necessary information manually. 

If you copy, it will be pre-set for you based on the user that you copied from, and you will just need to amend the “User” field. 





  • “Contract” field – Leave Empty
  • “Location” field – Set to an asterisk “*” 
  • “Can Enter” field – This will normally always be ticked. 
  • “Can Authorise 2” field – Only ticked IF the user can Authorise Draft Certs. (Compare to another user with the same job title).
  • “No Recall” field – Not used so it should normally always be unticked. 
  • “Limit” field – Please see below: 



Draft Certificate Limits: 

Housebuilding: Draft Certificates do not require any approval, so the limit is set to £0.

Partnerships: Limits are based on Job Role (Please refer to the Limits of Approval Document on DUG). Procurement Limits - Click Here


Once all of the information has been filled in, Save by clicking the icon next to the User ID: 

Note: If you have copied from another user, at this stage it will open a new line and will look like it has not worked.

However, it has saved it is just taking you on to create another user if you wish. To stop this, click the “Undo” button and it will take you back to the original page, showing the user that you have already created: 


Now you have completed Setup for Draft Certificate security in the KCO you are currently in. This will need to be copied across to any additional KCOs that the user has access too. 




How to Bulk Copy users to another KCO, to quickly add them to multiple KCOs: (This is a quicker method IF you are adding the user to several KCOs).

To do this, select the user you want to copy and then click “Bulk” -> “Copy”

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This will open a new window and export an Excel Spreadsheet with the details of the user you have just set up.

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Open the spreadsheet and copy the whole spreadsheet

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Now go back to COINS and press undo on the window that opened to take you back to the original page: 

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Then change your KCO to another that the user needs to be set up in. 

You will notice the user you have just created does not appear in the list for this KCO: 

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Now click “BULK” -> “+Add” near the bottom of the page: 


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Paste the contents from the Excel Spreadsheet, into the new window that opens, then click “Save”

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It will then automatically create the user in the KCO you are currently in: 

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You can then go onto the next KCO, and ‘Bulk Add’ the same contents again to quick and easily add the user to all required KCOs. 

You only need to do this for the KCOs that the user has access to. (Check in User Workbench).