

How to manage GL Expense Codes and enabling / disabling them for Manual Posting when required in the standard GL Elements Page.

This is required when users request for GL Expense Codes to be enabled for manual posting either temporarily or as a permanent change. 




  • Find out if this is a temporary or a permanent change.
  • Approval Required by the relevant Team. Please see below for details: 
  • Tax or VAT GL’s – Approval required by the Tax Team Manager
    1. These GL’s have “Tax” or “VAT” in the description.
  • Bank GL’s – Approval Required by the Treasury Manager / Senior Treasury Manager AND Group Finance Reporting Manager.
    1. These have the word “Bank” in the description.
  • All other GL’s – Approval required by the Group Finance Reporting Manager
    1. Most GLs are managed by Group Financial Reporting, if you’re not sure who needs to approve send it over to the Group Finance Reporting Manager and they will forward it on to the relevant approver if needed. 



Step 1: Open COINS and select the KCO you require from the drop-down menu. The standard GL Elements page is KCO specific meaning you will need to update them manually for each individual KCO. 


Step 2: Find GL Elements in the menu under General Ledger -> Chart of Accounts -> GL Elements.

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Make sure the filter at the bottom is set to “Expense”

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Step 3: Enter the GL Expense code you have been provided in the search bar. This should be a 4-digit code and can include letters and numbers.

If you have been provided a code that looks like “10.6801” (as an example), then on this page you only need to search for the last 4 digits. Where “10” is the sector, and “6801” is the GL Expense Code.

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Step 4: Once you have found the GL, next to them you will see 2 tick boxes; “Closed” & “Manual Post” – These are the main fields that will need to be updated. 

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To amend them, click the open folder next to the GL and the tick boxes will become editable. 

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Step 5: Then once updated, click on the Save Icon to save the settings.


Step 6: You will also need to check in account maintenance when updating the GL Code. To do this, go to “Account Maintenance” in the Menu. 

You will find this under; General Ledger -> Chart of Accounts -> Account Maintenance. 

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Step 7: In the search bar/filter enter the same code as before, but this time with an asterisk (*) before the GL Code. This is so that it will show you a list of all accounts that have been setup under that GL code. Example below: 

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Here you can see 2 accounts. Again, this is the sector, followed by the GL Expense code. 

Based on our earlier example “10.6801” – In this section we would be looking at the top line only. (Where 10 is the sector). 

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Step 8: In account maintenance, on the right-hand side you can see 4 tick boxes. We will only need to use the 2 main tick boxes “Closed” & “Manual Post”.

Please refer to the GL Elements section you have updated in step 6. If the checkboxes match the accounts that you have been asked to amend, then there is nothing more to be done in this section. 

If the checkboxes are not the same as in the GL Elements page, then you will need to amend them. Please continue to step 9. 

Step 9: To amend these, click the Folder Icon next to the GL Account, you will then see that the tick boxes become editable. You will need to update them to match what it says in the GL Elements page. 

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Step 10: Once you have finished updating, click the Save Icon to save the changes. 

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  • Please be aware that if a user has requested for a GL to be amended temporarily then you will need to revert the changes you have made after they have posted their journal(s).
  • If the GL Element is disabled for Manual post, then all GL Accounts for that GL Expense code are disabled for Manual Posting automatically.