

This solution covers how to backdate a Sales event in the Sales Workbench when requested by a user.




Step 1 – Get Approval from Senior Finance or Senior Sales staff. 

Step 2 – Open COINS, and go to the KCO that the Development / Plot sits in

Step 3 – Find the Sales Workbench in the Menu, you can find this under HB CRM -> Sales -> Sales Workbench

Step 4 – Search for the development by finding it in the list or entering the development code in the search bar/filter in the bottom right corner. 







Step 5 – Go into the development by clicking on the development number (the blue hyperlink).

Step 6 – Find the plots you need in the list or search for the plots by entering the full plot numbers in the search bar/filter. 

You can search for multiple plots at a time by separating them with a comma (with no spaces). E.g., 0022,0023,0024,0025


Also take note of the filters in the screenshot above, they are all set to show “All” and to search by plot. 


Step 7 – Open the plot(s) by clicking on the plot number (the blue hyperlink).

Step 8 – Go to the “History” tab to see the sales history.

Take note of the filter, as this will manage which events you can see. This should be set to ‘All’.







There are some things to be aware of before amending dates in the Sales Workbench:


  • Not all events can be backdated.
  • You will see sales & construction events in this list.
  • Sales events must stay within the same order. 

The sales events should be in the following date order. If they are not in this order, it can cause problems including progressing the sale further. 

  1. Plot Release
  2. Reservation
  3. Reservation Complete
  4. Exchange
  5. Legal Completion (LC) 


If you have been asked to amend an LC date on a plot, and the date provided is before another sales event (e.g., Reservation), then you would need to amend both dates so that they sit in the correct sequential order.

Step 9 – To backdate the events, click on the folder icon next to the event you need to backdate:

Then amend it to the new date by entering it into the relevant field.

Please enter the Fresh Service (INC) ticket number into the comments box. 


Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated


Step 10 - Finally, you just need to click save.