
This document is intended to highlight the requirement for Assigning Alternative User IDs in COINS. It is important that, where a user from one division of the business (ie. Housebuilding) is granted additional access to another (ie. Partnerships), the additional KCOs are added by assigning Alternative User IDs rather than manually adding the KCOs to the users record directly. User Group access is specific to the configuration of the KCOs, e.g. VI = Housebuilding KCOs and VP = Partnerships KCOs.



  • Identify a user in the target KCO (the KCO the user is being granted access into) that carries the required user group(s). Please note, the User Workbench (IT) can be filtered by Department and Job Title in order to find a match.

Please see example of a Buyer in the Commercial department below.

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  • Within the target KCO, navigate to System > User Maintenance > Alternative User IDs.
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  • Click ADD and select the user identified at point 1 as the Alternative ID and click the SAVE floppy disk icon.

The example below is giving access to KCO 180 for jon.lawn2 with the Alternative ID of Jon.Williams2 as a user within that KCO containing the access that jon.lawn2 requires.

  • In order to complete the Alternative User IDs setup, we also need to add a User View. Navigate to System > User Maintenance > Maintain User Views.

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  • Filter by the user who has been granted the additional access and click on the user id to open up the record.

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  • Add Maintain User View record for the user to the new KCO by selecting the record present and click COPY.

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  • Ensure the Company field states the new KCO added to the user’s access and click the SAVE floppy disk icon.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

  • Add any additional security required for the user within the new KCO as per the agreed limits / security type requirements of the new KCO (ie. Buyer record, Document Security, Transaction Type Security, etc)


When an Alternative User ID is deleted the Maintain User View record must be manually deleted also.

The Alternative ID used must be of a licensed user so must be reviewed if they were to leave the business.

There is also an Alternative User IDs (IT) page (available from System > Vistry Services – IT > Maintenance) which provides global access when adding alternative users to various KCOs to save additional KCO navigation.