

How to request new access or additional access within COINS. 


COINS New User/Change Access Form - Click Here

Once the form has been submitted, it will create a ticket in your name which will be sent to the Service Desk and subsequently passed on to the System Support Team to action. 

The system support team will then request necessary approval that is required as a pre-requisite to adding any access needed. 




If you are submitting the form on behalf of someone else, you will need to tick the “Request for someone else” box.  


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated












In the “User’s Name” field, you will need to enter the name of the person that the COINS account is being set up for. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


In the next 3 fields, you will need to enter their Job Title and Department, as well as the name of their line manager. 

On the Business Unit & Region section you will need to select one of the options available as below: 



Next, please select ‘Request Type’, “New User” or “User Amendment”.


New User: 

If known, enter the name of another user to copy. 

Once complete, click ‘Place Request’


User Amendment:

  • If known, enter the name of another user to copy. 
  • Next, enter any additional access required.
  • Please enter your Regional Finance Director’s email address

Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
Description automatically generated

Click “Place request” to submit.


Please add any additional information here

If you're unsure of anything mentioned above, please contact us via one of the following methods: