

How to add / amend a user’s buyer record in COINS.

This is to allow users to raise, amend and commit orders. 

  • User limits are set based on the Limits of Approval guide published by Internal Audit, on behalf of the ELT, on DUG.
  • We wouldn’t normally change a user’s limit away from the published limits. If a user requests an uplift in their procurement limits, you will need approval from their Regional Finance Director, and Internal Audit.
  • Any user can have a £1 limit, which will allow them to raise orders for any value. However, they cannot commit them as their limit stops them from committing orders over the value of £1.
  • If a user has a £0 limit, this means unlimited in the COINS system. Only ELT members should have a £0 limit. 
  • The plant module is not used in Vistry so nobody will be able to raise orders, so the value should always be £1.



Before you add the buyer record in COINS, you will need to get the following information: 


  • Users Job title – (You can find this on Outlook, Dug or Fresh Service)
  • KCO access (Check this on the User workbench Or on the COINS User setup / amendment form).
  • Do they have access to raise payments? (VIPAY1M - Check this on the User workbench Or on the COINS User setup / amendment form). 
  • Buying limit as per LOA Document (based on job title – See below guide).


To find out what limits to provide, click on the below link and open the relevant guide. 

  • If the User is in Housebuilding, you will need to open the HB Procurement Guide. 
  • If the User is in Partnerships, you will need to open the VP Procurement Guide.
  • If the user is in Group / Services, you will need to open the VS Procurement Guide.


Procurement Limits - Click Here

The below screenshots are examples only, please click the link above for the latest procurement guides. 


Here, put the same limits in all 3 boxes based on the “Order Limits” field on the document.  If the users Job Role is not on the list, we would set everything to £1 as default.



Update the limits based on the user’s job role as below. Plant limits are £1 as default.

If the users Job Role is not on the list, we would set everything to £1 as default.


Adding a new buyer record:

Once you are ready to add the buyer record, open COINS, and search for ‘Buyers’ in the menu and click on it.

Once here, you will see a list of all the existing buyers In the KCO that you are currently in. You will need to add the buyer record individually for each KCO the user has access too. 

Once you have created it in one KCO, you can copy it across to the others.

Change your KCO by clicking the drop-down menu at the top of the page:

Enter the users account in the search filter to make sure they don’t already have an account; it also helps to search another person to copy from and compare

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Please be aware that the configuration is different depending on if the user is in Housebuilding or Partnerships, so if you are copying from another user, it is best to make sure they both have access to the same KCO. 

To create a new user, click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the page. 

If you want to copy from an existing user, you will need to select them first, and then click the “Copy” button. 

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It will then open the record; on this page we need to amend the following:

  • Buyers Code
  • Buyers Name
  • Buyer Limits - Please refer to the Procurement guide to ensure you are giving the user the correct buying limits. 


Please see examples near the beginning of this document if you’re not sure what limits to provide.  

Finally, on the 2nd tab “Contacts” you need to add the users email address. 

If there is anything in the “Telephone” field already, you will need to clear it out and make sure it is blank.

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