Agent Guide - Reception




Opening Roger and logging in

To open Roger, you’ll need to find the app on the left-hand side of your teams screen.

Click the Roger icon.

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You will then be presented with a login screen, please select “Sign in with Microsoft”.


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You will then see the main Roger365 screen for an agent.

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Changing Status

To change your status, click your name in the top right corner.

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You will then be presented with a list of options.

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To change your away status to something more suitable, click the arrow to the right of it.

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Voice queue

Underneath the status box is the call queue; this will show whose currently in the call queue and how long they’ve been queued for

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Queue stats

Along the top of the screen is the queue stats bar, this tells you details about the queue and what statuses agents are in.

The first group of boxes will tell you.

  • How many people are queuing.
  • The longest wait time of the current queue
  • Maximum wait time that day
  • Average wait time that day
  • Average talk time of all the agents combined.

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The next boxes show you total answered and abandoned calls.

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The most left boxes show you how many agents are in each status, if you hover your mouse over the number, it’ll list which agents are in that status.

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Finally in the top right, you have a button to pop roger out into its own window and a refresh button for the page.


Outbound calling

Using the search box, you can enter an external number in here (you can use 0 prefix or +44 prefix)

Once search you’ll be able to call them by clicking the phone icon.

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If you click the 3 dots, this will let you save a number as a favourite.

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Once added to Favourites, click the 3 dots again click “Change label” to name the number.

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Your favourites will also show on the left hand side

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If you search someone’s name internally, you can click on it and be shown different options.

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The first option will call that person.

The second option will open a teams chat window.

The third option will setup a callback request.


The box below the search box will show you that persons calendar for the day and show if they’re busy or not

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Depending on your permissions will depend on what details you can see.


Clicking on History will show you what calls you’ve made and received lately.

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Clicking filter will let you change what numbers you see.

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This screen will show you which call you’re currently in

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Active call

This screen will show you in more detail the details about the call you’re in

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There are 3 buttons at the bottom of the screen.

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The first button will end the call.

The second button will put the call on hold.

The third button is unused.

Call end screen

Once a call has ended, you’ll see a wrap up screen which will give you stats about the call

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You can extend your wrap up time by select the boxes under “extend time” or end you call by pressing “Complete”.

Transferring a call

You transfer a call from the teams’ window that opens when you’re in a call.

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