Reporting Guide


This document will give you an overview of how to run reports in Roger365.









Changing to Reporting

To change to the supervisor screen, select “Reporting” from the top tab, you’ll then see the below screen.

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These reports can be found under each sub heading on the left-hand side

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Date Setting

All the reports work by setting the dates at the top of the window

You will need to select which queue you want and the date range. You then must hit Apply for the changes to take effect. This will need to be done for each report you select


Queue Summary will give you a brief overview of the call stats.

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Queue Details will give specific information about each call

Queue Heatmap will show how many calls per hour across the day the queue has received

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Agent Summary will give you a summary of agent stats over the select time period

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Agent Detail will give you details of a specific call handled by the agent

The result column in this tells you several different things

Answered – the call was answered by the agent
Timeout – the call timed out ringing this agent and moved onto the next agent
Declined – the agent declined the call
Answered by other -  the call was cherry picked from the queue by another agent

Agent Log will let you know when an agent’s status has changed, this can only be filtered per agent name










Queue will show details of all the outbound calls made via a queue in Roger

Agent can be filtered to show all outbound calls made by a specific agent

Resource Account will show all calls made by the outbound calling number













In this example I will be running a report to see how many calls an agent on the service desk has taken over 3 days

First I’m going to go to Agent > Agent Summary

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Then across the filters I’ll select the agent and the date range I want to see the stats for

This will then give the below report

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