Table of Contents
Scenario A – Caller is known to Vistry and Phone number is populated. 2
Scenario B – Caller is not known to Vistry or phone number is not populated. 3
Scenario C – Caller is known but duplicate enquiries are found. 5
This document outlines the Roger365 call integration and the information that is displayed. When a customer calls in, the Powerframe window will show information based on whether the contact exists, doesn’t exist on our database or is a duplicate.
General screen overview
When a customer calls and the call is presented to a member of staff, the Powerframe in the bottom right-hand side of the Roger365 window will populate the screen below.
Depending whether the customer is A) in our database B) not in our database or C) is a duplicate record will show on of the following screens
Scenario A – Caller is known to Vistry and Phone number is populated
The call is presented and the customer is known to use and their phone number is populated in the system
Information for the contact is displayed
- First Name
- Last Name
- Mobile Phone
- The primary development for the enquiry
- Summary of the contact displaying how many appointments or phone calls are raised against the enquiry
- Bulk Marketing preferences
- All appointments associated
- All reservations associated with
- Launch Keys to add a new phone call record
Press the launch button next to any part of the above information, will launch Keys to the correct page required
The following toolbar helps to display relevant information. See below for a description for each of these.
- Open the current enquiry in Keys
- Show enquiry reservations and appointments
- Show enquiry phone call notes
- Create a new enquiry
- Visit the search page (more information shown in Scenario B)
Scenario B – Caller is not known to Vistry or phone number is not populated
In this scenario, the following screen will show. The number will auto populate that the caller is using and show no search results.
This is the search screen, see below on how to use this.
- Search by Enquiry First Name or Last Name
- Search by Enquiry Email Address
- Open Keys to search using the search function in Keys
- Create a new enquiry
When searching by name, this will populate all records on the right-hand side with information which matches your search term
- Pressing the arrow next to the record will populate the information in the Roger365 screen.
- Pressing the launch icon will open the enquiry directly in Keys
Search by email and the similar function will apply
Scenario C – Caller is known but duplicate enquiries are found
If a call is received and no number for the person calling is populated in Keys, you will now be presented with an improved search page where the number is already populated for you.
Duplicate contact
If a contact calls and the phone number is populated on 2 or more contacts, all of these contacts will be displayed with relevant information for you to select the correct one.
- Pressing the arrow next to the record will populate the information in the Roger365 screen.
- Pressing the launch icon will open the enquiry directly in Keys